
Privacy Policy for Chicago4.com

On this website, information that may be Personally Identifiable to you and not in the public domain, in other words, information that you may want to keep private, may be collected by one of these groupings of parties.

  1. By our organization, which includes this website and other websites or systems owned by us. The privacy policy for information gathered by our organization is listed below.
  2. By other organizations that may run services on this website and other websites or systems owned by us, such as analytic providers that collect statistics about website usage, one example being Google. See the privacy policy for information gathered by other organizations as it pertains to our websites and systems.

Information We Collect Directly from You that is Personally Identifiable and Not in the Public Domain

In Other Words, Information You May Want to Keep Private

This is the type of information we collect directly from you that may be Personally Identifiable to you and not in the public domain, in other words, information you may want to keep private:

  1. Name and email address - provided by you for registration to receive our free newsletters
  2. Name, email address and possibly postal address, phone number and credit card information - provided by you when purchasing our products
  3. Passwords - we may give you or you may make up to access our systems
  4. Commercial information - items viewed and purchased, areas of interest, date and time of use, reviews, ratings, posts, and behaviors
  5. Demographic and other information - you may optionally give us
  6. Web browser information - information coming from your web browser, such as IP address, type of device, operating system, location

There are too many contigencies to list every possible use and exception. As a general principle, information that we collect from you that is Personally Identifiable to you and that is not in the public domain, in other words, information you may want to keep private, is used for the purposes of this business only and not sold or given away to other businesses under normal circumstances.

Security Caution

Warning: Security is minimal. Do not provide information to us that you cannot afford being stolen.

Information that we collect from you that is Personally Identifiable to you and that is not in the public domain, in other words, information you may want to keep private, we may store on a shared server on the internet, on our private computers, on external backup hard drives, in other providers systems, or on other media or devices, owned or not owned by us. In many cases, the information is not encrypted.

What this means to you is that normally we do not intentionally make this information accessible to others, but we do not take extra security precautions to protect this information. If someone uses elements of our systems in ways without our permission, that person could gain access to information you may want to keep private.

Therefore, you should not provide any information to us that you want to keep private and secure. Any information you provide to us, could be made public if someone breached our minimal security.

Information We Do Not Collect Directly from You Or that is Not Personally Identifiable Or is in the Public Domain

Information that we do not collect directly from you, or that is not Personally Identifiable to you, or that is in the public domain we may use for any legal purpose.

Policy Changes

This policy may change at any time. Updates to this policy will be posted here, with no other notice.

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